

With this setup, you can easily integrate Metronic Tailwind with your Laravel project, taking advantage of Laravel's robust framework and Metronic's sleek UI components. This integration offers a flexible and efficient way to style and customize your web applications, allowing you to create dynamic and visually appealing interfaces with ease.

Creating a Laravel Project

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a Laravel project from scratch. Laravel, a powerful PHP framework, is renowned for its elegant syntax, robust features, and developer-friendly environment.

Install Composer

Before creating a Laravel project, you need to have Composer installed. You can download Composer from .

Install Laravel

Once Composer is installed, open your terminal and run the following command to install Laravel:
					composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel-tailwind

Replace laravel-tailwind with the desired name for your Laravel project.

Navigate to Laravel Project

Now that Laravel is installed, navigate to your project folder.
					cd laravel-tailwind


Run Laravel Development Server

To view your Laravel project in the browser, run the following command to start the development server:
					php artisan serve

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to see your Laravel app in action.

Integrate Styles

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating Tailwind CSS into your Laravel project using Vite.

Navigate to Laravel Project

Navigate to your project folder.
					cd laravel-tailwind


Install Dependencies

Run the following commands to install TailwindCSS and its dependencies:
					npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer sass
					npm install mini-svg-data-uri @popperjs/core
					npx tailwindcss init -p


Copy Source Folder

Copy the src folder from the metronic-tailwind-html package and paste it into the laravel-tailwind/resources directory.
Rename the copied folder to theme . The directory structure should now look like this: laravel-tailwind/resources/theme
This step imports the necessary styles and assets from the original HTML package into your Laravel project.

Import Styles

Open the Laravel main style file resources/css/app.css and add the following import statements:
					// Main style
				@import "../theme/css/styles.css";

				// Keenicons
				@import "../theme/vendors/keenicons/duotone/style.css";
				@import "../theme/vendors/keenicons/filled/style.css";
				@import "../theme/vendors/keenicons/outline/style.css";
				@import "../theme/vendors/keenicons/solid/style.css";

Rename the app.css file to app.scss . This step ensures that the styles and icon fonts are properly imported and applied to your Laravel project.

Configure Tailwind

Copy the tailwind.config.js file from the metronic-tailwind-html package to the root of your Laravel project.
Edit the file and update the following content to the content and plugins array:
					// ...
			content: [
			// ...

Replace the paths to the core plugins in the tailwind.config.js file. Replace src/core/plugins with resources/theme/core/plugins for each plugin path.
					// ...
			plugins: [
				// ... and so on
			// ...

This step configures Tailwind CSS to scan and process your Laravel project files, and it also integrates additional plugins.

Edit app.js File

Edit the resources/js/app.js file and add the following import statement:
					import '../theme/core/index.ts';

This step ensures that core scripts are included in your Laravel project.

Edit vite.config.js File

Edit the vite.config.js file and update the file reference app.css to app.scss .
					export default defineConfig({
						plugins: [
								input: ['resources/css/app.scss', 'resources/js/app.js'],
								refresh: true,


Create index.blade.php

To set up your Laravel project with the Tailwind CSS starter template, copy the index.html file from the metronic-tailwind-html/dist/html/demo1 directory and save it as index.blade.php in the resources/views folder. This will provide a starting point for your Laravel application. You can ignore other assets paths for now.
In your index.blade.php file, add the following directives:
					// ...

					// ...

This step ensures that Vite can handle the JavaScript and CSS imports in your Laravel application.

Copy Assets folder from HTML version

Copy metronic-tailwind-html/dist/assets to laravel-tailwind/public/assets .
(Optional) Remove the core.bundle.js and styles.css files from the laravel-tailwind/public/assets directory. These files have been integrated into Laravel using Vite, so they are no longer necessary.

Run Laravel Development Server

To view your Laravel project in the browser, run the following commands to start the development server:
					npm run dev

In a separate terminal window, run the following:
					php artisan serve

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to see your Laravel app in action.