Keen - The Ultimate Multi-Demo Bootstrap Admin Theme
logo Multi Demo Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Theme

Online Layout Builder

The layout builder helps to configure the layout with preferred options and preview it in real time. The configured layout options will be saved until you change or reset them. To use the layout builder choose the layout options and click the Preview button to preview the changes and click the Export to export your changes with following options:

Export allows you to download the HTML template with its includable partials of this demo. In the downloaded folder the partials(header, footer, aside, topbar, etc) will be placed seperated from the base layout to allow you to integrate base layout into your application.

You can use the Keen online layout builder for the latest theme version using following URL:

Switch to a specific demo by specifying the demo ID in the URL. E.g. demo1, demo2, demo3, and so on.[demo_id]/builder.html