The World’s #1

Dashboard Since 2013

A single core framework and long term tool built
on top of Bootstrap 5 for delivering limitless highly
customized projects.

Licenses Sold
5 Stars Review
Up-to-date Releases

ASP.NET Core Starter Kit Demos

2 demos based on ASP.NET Core 8 & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Sales Tracking App

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Node.js Starter Kit Demos

2 demos based on Node.js, Express.js & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Sales Tracking App

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Blazor Starter Kit Demos

1 demo based on Blazor Server .NET 7 & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Spring Starter Kit Demos

1 demo based on Spring Boot 2.7 & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Laravel Starter Kit Demos

1 demo based on Laravel 11 & Bootstrap 5

Django Starter Kit Demos

1 demo based on Django 4 & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Rails Starter Kit Demos

1 demo based on Rails 7 & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Flask Starter Kit Demos

1 demo based on Flask 2 & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Symfony Starter Kit Demos

1 demo based on Symfony 6 & Bootstrap 5

Metronic Original

Preview is coming soon.
Explore Docs

Codeigniter Demos

0 demo

Yii Demos

0 demo

Play Demos

0 demo

Trust Driven by

11 Years of Innovations

Enterprise grade  and cut-price solution for web apps of  any size 
coupled with the de-facto frameworks and familiar tools
Trusted By
Rated 5 Stars
End Users
On Theme Market

12 Frameworks

One Scalable Foundation

A single core framework and long term tool built on top of Bootstrap 5
to ship limitless highly customized projects of any size

HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

HTML5 - As Cornerstone

No design skills required, use the prepackaged solutions to code without ever leaving your HTML editor

CSS3 - Design System

Flexible CSS utility classes build on top of Bootstrap 5 will cover almost all your design needs

Sass - CSS With Superpowers

Handle CSS with Sass, the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language

Datatables - Dynamic HTML Tables

Highly flexible Javascript plugin that adds advanced features to any HTML table

Fullcalendar - JavaScript Event Calendar

Powerful plugins that offers compelling event handling features with calendar and timeline views support

Vue Version

Vue 3 - Progressive JS Framework

Custom tailored Vue 3 solution with the most popular VueJS libraries
to provide solid a foundation for your next Vue apps

TypeScript - JavaScript With Syntax For Types

TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript to support a tighter integration with your editor

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Vite - Frontend build tooling

Build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience

Pania - Store library for Vue

It allows you to share a state across components/pages

Vue I18n - Internationalization

For internationalization solution we use Vue I18n. It easily integrates
some localization features to your Vue.js Application

Vue Router - Routing Solution

Advanced single page rotuing with nested route and view
mapping, modular, component-based router solution

Vuelidate - Seamless Validation

Highly flexible form validation is powered by Vuelidate, a lightweight
model-based validation solution for Vue

Element Plus - Powerful UI Library

Vue 3 based component library for designers and developers that
provides efficient, consistent and feedback driven UI solutions

React Version

React - Building User Interfaces

Custom tailored React 18 solution with popular React libraries
to provide solid a foundation for React projects

TypeScript - JavaScript With Syntax For Types

TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript to support a tighter integration with your editor

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

React Bootstrap - Rebuilt for React

True React components for Bootstrap without unneeded
dependencies and excellent choice for your UI foundation

CRA - Create React App

Use an integrated toolchain for the best user and developer
experience by Create React App

React Router - Route Anywhere

Collection of navigational components that
compose declaratively with your React application routing

React Query - Powerful Asynchronous State Management

Use declarative and auto-managed queries and mutations to
fetch and update data from any asynchronous source

Angular Version

Angular - Web Developer's Platform

Solid Angular 17 solution for building applicaiton
UIs fast and easy for projects of any size.

TypeScript - JavaScript With Syntax For Types

TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript to support a tighter integration with your editor

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Angular i18n - Internationalization

We use Angular's built-in internationalization module
to provide seamless localization and translation for your Angular apps

Angular Forms - Cornerstone Of Apps

Angular's built-in form module for handling user input
with forms is the cornerstone of many common applications

Angular Material - Material Design Components

Fully integrated high quality & versatile Material Design
component for Angular apps

Angular Router - Common Routing Tasks

We use Angular's built-in router module to handle
the navigation from one view to the next

RxJS - Reactive Extensions

RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make
it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code

ASP.NET Core Version

Asp.Net Core 6 - Starter Kit

Asp.Net Core 6 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Node.js Version

Node.js - Express.js 4 Starter Kit

Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Blazor Version

Blazor - Starter Kit

Blazor Server based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Spring Version

Spring - Starter Kit

Spring 2.7 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Laravel Version

Laravel - Starter Kit

Laravel 9 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next Laravel project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack Mix - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Blade - Views & Templates

Blade is the simple, yet powerful templating engine
that is included with Laravel

Django Version

Django - Starter Kit

Django 4 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Rails Version

Rails - Starter Kit

Ruby & Rails 7 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Flask Version

Flask - Starter Kit

Flask 2 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Symfony Version

Symfony - Starter Kit

Symfony 6 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version


Flexible License Options

Choose the right license for your needs
and enjoy lifetime free updates

Regular License

Use, by you or one client, in a single end product for which end users are not charged.

Premium support
Unlimited developers
Lifetime free updates
Full source code
Figma design file
Refund guarantee
Paying end users(SaaS)

Extended License

Use by you or your one client in a single end product for which end users can be charged.

Premium support
Unlimited developers
Lifetime free updates
Full source code
Figma design file
Refund guarantee
Paying end users(SaaS)

Custom License

Using Metronic for large-scale enterprise projects and need a custom license model? Contact us to obtain a tailored license that fits your business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions


Metronic is an All-in-One Tailwind & Bootstrap based Toolkit for web apps and sites, featuring pre-built designs, layouts, and components using both Tailwind and Bootstrap as UI foundations. Since its launch in 2013, Metronic has become the most popular Admin Dashboard Theme, powering by over 115,000 projects and used by more than 100 million end users daily.

Metronic provides professional-grade design and pre-built HTML templates, allowing you to focus more on implementing the backend logic according to your project requirements. It streamlines the frontend development process, offering a polished, ready-to-use UI, so you can save time and resources while ensuring a high-quality user experience.

Great question! Hiring a mid-level designer and developer can easily cost over $5,000 per month each, not to mention the time and effort required for management and testing their work. Plus, there may not always be enough work to keep them fully engaged, leaving you paying for downtime.

Metronic offers a cost-effective alternative—a feature-rich, ready-to-use toolkit that delivers the same level of quality and functionality that would otherwise cost over $100,000 to build from scratch. Our customers consistently highlight the value, flexibility, and efficiency Metronic brings, saving significant time, money, and resources.

Yes, Metronic can be used for commercial client projects as long as you comply with the license terms. Over the past 11 years, Metronic has been chosen by enterprises and organizations such as Deloitte, Vodafone, and Harvard University, making it a trusted solution for high-profile projects across industries.

No, Metronic cannot be used for open-source projects as each use of Metronic requires a separate license and the source code, including Metronic, cannot be distributed publicly.

Absolutely! Metronic is designed to be user-friendly for developers of all levels. It comes with comprehensive documentation and a variety of examples to help beginners get started quickly. Our intuitive design and well-structured codebase make it easy to understand and customize. Plus, our support team is always ready to assist you with any questions you may have.

**Yes,** Metronic includes extensive documentation covering all aspects of the toolkit, from installation to advanced customization. We provide Step-by-step Guides, code examples, and best practices to help you make the most of Metronic's features.

Metronic is updated regularly, following a structured development roadmap and incorporating valuable user feedback. Since its launch in 2013, we have released hundreds of high-quality updates, continually enhancing the product to meet the evolving needs of our users.

Metronic's primary verison is HTML/JavaScript and other versions such as React, Vue, Angular, Laravel, etc are separate versiosn includes limited features from the HTML version.

Metronic 8 and Metronic 9 are two separate versions of Metronic, both available upon purchase. Metronic 8 is built on the Bootstrap framework, and its features can be explored in the Metronic 8 Live Preview. Metronic 9, on the other hand, is the newly released version based on Tailwind CSS, and all of its features can be viewed in the Metronic 9 Live Preview.

The Metronic 9 Tailwind version currently offers an HTML/JavaScript edition, featuring over 100 pages, 10 unique demos, and more than 1000 UI elements and components. In the coming weeks, the Metronic 9 Tailwind React + MUI Base version will be released, bringing all the features of the HTML version natively to React.

While we do not offer a downloadable trial version, you can explore Metronic's extensive features through our live previews: - Metronic 8 Live Preview - Metronic 9 Live Preview.  These previews allow you to experience the UI components, layouts, and functionality before making a purchase.


No, you do not need to install the license anywhere. The license serves as proof of your legal usage of Metronic for your projects and is not required to be installed or activated.

A single license can be used for one production deployment and unlimited testing and development environments. However, each unique production deployment needs its own license.

Yes, a single license allows the use of Metronic in a project where users log in from a central domain and access different modules via subdomains.

No, both licenses receive the same level of support from KeenThemes. For more information, visit the Support Policy.

If your end product is distributed or set up on-premise in large numbers, a Custom License would be the best choice. Custom Licenses offer flexibility for scenarios that exceed standard license terms, such as mass distribution, OEM partnerships, or inclusion in proprietary systems. This ensures compliance and provides the legal framework needed for large-scale deployments. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements, and we'll tailor a licensing solution that fits your needs. To request a custom license quotation please Contact Us.

License purchases include ongoing updates, ensuring you have access to the latest features and improvements.

Yes, licenses can be transferred if the end product's use remains consistent with the license terms.

You can purchase a license for the latest version of Metronic, which is valid for any previous version as well. Additionally, you can download older versions from a private Google Drive link, provided in the README.MD file included in the ThemeForest download package of Metronic.

Each site or project requires its own license, although Custom Licensing options are available for large-scale use.

Yes, each Metronic license comes with lifetime free updates, allowing you access to the latest features and improvements without additional cost.


Yes, you receive general theme support through our Support Center channel. For more details, please review our Support Policy.

All the features shown on the Metronic Preview Site are included in the package.

Due to the significant size of the Metronic 8 package, which has now grown to 10GB, we've moved all Bootstrap demos and starter kits to a private Google Drive folder to avoid slow download issues. You can find the Google Drive link in the file included in the ThemeForest download package.

Metronic can be used for multi-tenant applications, such as SaaS, where multiple end-users can create separate accounts, but this requires an Extended License.

Licensing for inclusion in a hardware product depends on the nature of the product and how Metronic is used. It is best to consult with KeenThemes for such specific use cases and learn more about Custom License options.

Yes, an eCommerce site can operate under a Regular License if the site itself is not selling the Metronic theme or a product that includes the theme as part of its packaged software.

These tools are required to compile the CSS/JS code from the src folder when you customize the theme. You use it for local development only, no need to install them on your production server. These tools are used to handle the assets during development, for example, if you change the theme colors or edit the JS code.


Yes, we provide refunds in accordance with the eligibility criteria outlined in ThemeForest’s Refund Policy. To request a refund, simply follow this link: Submit Refund Request.

Usually, we review and approve refund requests within a day, and the refund payout will take up to several days depending on ThemeForest and your payment method.

“Metronic was one of the best decisions we made when we started developing ASP.NET Zero. As .NET backend developers, Metronic was so easy-to-use and streamlined our development processes whilst making it possible for us to create a good-looking, stable and user-friendly frontend. Metronic helped us to reach the market quickly, which was one of the key points of our success.
Additionally, Metronic has different UI options like Angular, Blazor, React, etc... and many components which are used by industry leader enterprise app. This also allowed us to develop our app with no need to use a component library. Another good point is, Metronic has very thorough documentation and many real-life samples. When we needed to develop a new feature, documentation and samples helped us in a great manner.“
“The impact of the Metronic 8 theme on our frontend development is overwhelming. We were skeptical at first, because we had to REWRITE the frontend due to another theme. But working with a component based approach did not deliver us a good design as well. After weeks of comparing, we opted for the Metronic theme. The main points we considered were overall design, performance, Bootstrap, Angular, React and Vue.js support.
Last but not least, you need great performance for customer satisfaction. That is why we try to load as few libraries as possible. Therefore, just depend on the Metronic 8 theme and use pure javascript to avoid using JQuery. The community and support is great, so try it yourself!“
Would you need
a Custom License ?
Get a free quote for a custom license that allows using Metronic in your project with an unlimited number of distributions.
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a Custom Project ?
Since 2012, we have helped startups, blue chip companies and government agencies and successfully delivered over 120 custom projects.
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