Metronic Documentation

A single core framework and long term tool built on top of Tailwind CSS
and Bootstrap 5 for delivering boundless highly customized projects
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Trust Driven by

11 Years of Innovations

Enterprise grade  and cut-price solution for web apps of  any size 
coupled with the de-facto frameworks and familiar tools
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Rated 5 Stars
End Users
On Theme Market

12 Frameworks

One Scalable Foundation

A single core framework and long term tool built on top of Bootstrap 5
to ship limitless highly customized projects of any size

HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

HTML5 - As Cornerstone

No design skills required, use the prepackaged solutions to code without ever leaving your HTML editor

CSS3 - Design System

Flexible CSS utility classes build on top of Bootstrap 5 will cover almost all your design needs

Sass - CSS With Superpowers

Handle CSS with Sass, the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language

Datatables - Dynamic HTML Tables

Highly flexible Javascript plugin that adds advanced features to any HTML table

Fullcalendar - JavaScript Event Calendar

Powerful plugins that offers compelling event handling features with calendar and timeline views support

Vue Version

Vue 3 - Progressive JS Framework

Custom tailored Vue 3 solution with the most popular VueJS libraries
to provide solid a foundation for your next Vue apps

TypeScript - JavaScript With Syntax For Types

TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript to support a tighter integration with your editor

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Vite - Frontend build tooling

Build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience

Pania - Store library for Vue

It allows you to share a state across components/pages

Vue I18n - Internationalization

For internationalization solution we use Vue I18n. It easily integrates
some localization features to your Vue.js Application

Vue Router - Routing Solution

Advanced single page rotuing with nested route and view
mapping, modular, component-based router solution

Vuelidate - Seamless Validation

Highly flexible form validation is powered by Vuelidate, a lightweight
model-based validation solution for Vue

Element Plus - Powerful UI Library

Vue 3 based component library for designers and developers that
provides efficient, consistent and feedback driven UI solutions

React Version

React - Building User Interfaces

Custom tailored React 18 solution with popular React libraries
to provide solid a foundation for React projects

TypeScript - JavaScript With Syntax For Types

TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript to support a tighter integration with your editor

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

React Bootstrap - Rebuilt for React

True React components for Bootstrap without unneeded
dependencies and excellent choice for your UI foundation

CRA - Create React App

Use an integrated toolchain for the best user and developer
experience by Create React App

React Router - Route Anywhere

Collection of navigational components that
compose declaratively with your React application routing

React Query - Powerful Asynchronous State Management

Use declarative and auto-managed queries and mutations to
fetch and update data from any asynchronous source

Angular Version

Angular - Web Developer's Platform

Solid Angular 17 solution for building applicaiton
UIs fast and easy for projects of any size.

TypeScript - JavaScript With Syntax For Types

TypeScript adds additional syntax to JavaScript to support a tighter integration with your editor

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Angular i18n - Internationalization

We use Angular's built-in internationalization module
to provide seamless localization and translation for your Angular apps

Angular Forms - Cornerstone Of Apps

Angular's built-in form module for handling user input
with forms is the cornerstone of many common applications

Angular Material - Material Design Components

Fully integrated high quality & versatile Material Design
component for Angular apps

Angular Router - Common Routing Tasks

We use Angular's built-in router module to handle
the navigation from one view to the next

RxJS - Reactive Extensions

RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make
it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code

ASP.NET Core Version

Asp.Net Core 6 - Starter Kit

Asp.Net Core 6 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Node.js Version

Node.js - Express.js 4 Starter Kit

Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Blazor Version

Blazor - Starter Kit

Blazor Server based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Spring Version

Spring - Starter Kit

Spring 2.7 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Laravel Version

Laravel - Starter Kit

Laravel 9 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next Laravel project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack Mix - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Blade - Views & Templates

Blade is the simple, yet powerful templating engine
that is included with Laravel

Django Version

Django - Starter Kit

Django 4 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Rails Version

Rails - Starter Kit

Ruby & Rails 7 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Flask Version

Flask - Starter Kit

Flask 2 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Symfony Version

Symfony - Starter Kit

Symfony 6 based starter kit app with a solid foundation for your
next project that fully utilizes the theme HTML and assets

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

Bootstrap 5 is used as a backbone by extending it further according to a unique design system

NPM - Package Management

Node Package Manager for quick and secure package management through command line tools

Yarn - Dependency Manager

Fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Gulp - Task Automationn

Automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Static assets bundler for easy integration with popular server side frameworks

Metronic - Full Source Code

Use any Metronic feature in your pages by just copy-pasting required HTML and assets(CSS, JS) using the Theme API

Theme API - Assets & HTML Helpers

Helper functions to manage the page's HTML construction and assets(CSS, JS) includes

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

Bootstrap 5 HTML Version

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