Getting Started Integration

Blazor Server

This guide outlines the integration of the latest Blazor Server framework with Metronic Tailwind, providing a comprehensive foundation for building modern web applications.


Get started with your Blazor Server project by downloading the Metronic integration examples from our GitHub repository . These examples provide a quick way to integrate the Metronic styles into your Blazor Server project. This will give you a working starting point that you can customize to fit your needs.

Please note that the sample project does not include the Metronic Tailwind CSS source files by default. To integrate the styles, you need to copy the Metronic Tailwind CSS source files from your downloaded Metronic folder.


Copy Source Folder

Copy the entire metronic-tailwind-html folder and paste it into the root directory of your Blazor app. Rename the copied folder to metronic . This step imports the necessary styles and assets from the original HTML package into your Blazor Server project.

Copy Media Folder

Copy the media folder from metronic/dist/ and paste it into the wwwroot/ directory.

Adjust webpack config output path

Modify the webpack.config.js file to make webpack output assets to wwwroot folder:
const dist = value.dist.replace("../wwwroot/assets", "");
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "../wwwroot/assets"),


Install Packages & Build Assets

Open your terminal and navigate to the metronic directory:
					cd metronic

Install the necessary npm packages and build the theme assets by running the following command:
					npm install & npm run dev


Run Development Server

Run devepopment server using the following command.
					dotnet run watch

That's it! You now have the Metronic Tailwind template integrated into your Blazor Server project.

Creating Project

This guide will lead you through the essential steps of creating Blazor project from scratch.

Install Node.js, Npm and .NET

Before starting with Blazor, ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine. Visit to download and install the latest NodeJS and to download and install .NET 8.

Create Blazor Project

Create new Blazor project using the following command.
					dotnet new blazor -o metronic-tailwind-blazor-server


Serve the Blazor Application

Run the development server with the following command:
					dotnet run watch

Wait for the app to display that it's listening on http://localhost:[port number] and for the browser to launch at that address.

Integrate Assets

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the key steps required to integrate the Metronic assets into your Blazor Server project.

Copy Source Folder

Copy the entire metronic-tailwind-html folder and paste it into the root directory of your Blazor app. Rename the copied folder to metronic . This step imports the necessary styles and assets from the original HTML package into your Blazor Server project.

Copy Media Folder

Copy the media folder from metronic/dist/ and paste it into the wwwroot/ directory.

Adjust webpack config output path

Modify the webpack.config.js file to make webpack output assets to wwwroot folder:
const dist = value.dist.replace("../wwwroot/assets", "");
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "../wwwroot/assets"),


Install Packages & Build Assets

Open your terminal and navigate to the metronic directory:
					cd metronic

Install the necessary npm packages and build the theme assets by running the following command:
					npm install & npm run dev


Integrate Core

This guide provides a detailed walkthrough of the key steps required to integrate the Metronic core components into your Blazor Server project.

Initialize global components

Create new MainLayout.razor with your layout markup and paste the following initialization code:
					// MainLayout.razor
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
@inject IJSRuntime JS

@code {
protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender){