Base Components

Tailwind CSS Button

Tailwind CSS Button is a custom component that features contextual colors, various sizes, interactive states (hover, focus, active, disabled), and supports seamless icon integration.

Default Button

A basic button examples with available color options.


Apply the .btn-outline class to apply an outlined style to buttons.


Use the .btn-clear class to give buttons a default transparent background style.

With Icon - Default

Use KeenIcons with buttons to enhance buttons with icons.

With Icon - Outline

Use the .btn-outline class to apply an outlined style to buttons with icons.

With Icon - Clear

Use the .btn-clear class to give buttons with icons a default transparent background style.

Icon Only - Default

Use the .btn-icon class to create an icon-only button.

Icon Only - Outline

Use the .btn-icon and .btn-outline classes to apply an outlined style to buttons with icons.

Icon Only - Clear

Use the .btn-icon and .btn-clear classes to give button icons a default transparent background style.


Use the .rounded-full class to create a circle button.


Make buttons look inactive by adding the disabled attribute.


To change the button size to extra small, small, and large, use the classes .btn-xs , .btn-sm and .btn-lg respectively.
To apply a hyperlink style to buttons, use the .btn-link class.


A button group that can be used as tabs.

Source Code

The following source file manages the CSS styles of the Tailwind CSS Button component. Upon building the assets using Webpack Build Tools , the below file is compiled and added into the dist/assets/css/styles.css bundle, making it available globally across all pages.
File Description
src/core/plugins/components/btn.js The Tailwind CSS compatible plugin written in PostCSS for applying CSS styles to the Tailwind CSS Button component.