Base Components

Tailwind CSS Table

The custom Tailwind CSS Table component provides a flexible and stylish way to present and manage data in a tabular format. It allows for easy customization of headers, rows, and cells using Tailwind's utility classes, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing design.

Default Table

A simple example of a Tailwind CSS Table component, featuring a table head and body rows, demonstrating how to structure and style a table.
Customer Order Amount Order Date Status
Customer 1 $100.00 5 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 2 $250.50 29 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 3 $75.75 2 Mar, 2024 Delivered
Customer 4 $32.99 20 Feb, 2024 Cancelled


A Tailwind CSS Table example integrated into a Tailwind CSS Card component.
Customer Order Amount Order Date Status
Customer 1 $100.00 5 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 2 $250.50 29 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 3 $75.75 2 Mar, 2024 Delivered
Customer 4 $32.99 20 Feb, 2024 Cancelled


A Tailwind CSS Table example integrated into a Tailwind CSS Card component with a heading title.

Latest Orders

Customer Order Amount Order Date Status
Customer 1 $100.00 5 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 2 $250.50 29 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 3 $75.75 2 Mar, 2024 Delivered
Customer 4 $32.99 20 Feb, 2024 Cancelled

Border Style

Apply .table-border custom class to enable border style for a Tailwind CSS Table.

Latest Orders

Customer Order Amount Order Date Status
Customer 1 $100.00 5 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 2 $250.50 29 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 3 $75.75 2 Mar, 2024 Delivered
Customer 4 $32.99 20 Feb, 2024 Cancelled

Horizontal Scroll

Wrap the table with the .scrollable-y-auto class from the Tailwind CSS Scrollable component to enable a responsive horizontal scrollbar.
Customer Order Amount Order Date Notes Status
Customer 1 $100.00 5 Jan, 2024 Awaiting confirmation for this order. Pending
Customer 2 $250.50 29 Feb, 2024 Package shipped via carrier ABC. Shipped
Customer 3 $75.75 2 Mar, 2024 Delivered successfully. Please leave a review! Delivered
Customer 4 $32.99 20 Feb, 2024 Order cancelled due to out-of-stock product. Cancelled

Sortable Columns

Indicate sorting columns in a Tailwind CSS table using direction icons for a clear visual representation of the sort order. This feature enhances usability by showing whether the data is sorted in ascending or descending order.

Latest Orders

Customer Order Amount Order Date Status
Customer 1 $100.00 5 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 2 $250.50 29 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 3 $75.75 2 Mar, 2024 Delivered
Customer 4 $32.99 20 Feb, 2024 Cancelled

Group Check

Utilize the Tailwind CSS DataTable component to enable group check functionality, allowing users to select multiple rows with a single checkbox.

Latest Orders

Customer Order Amount Order Date Status
Customer 1 $100.00 5 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 2 $250.50 29 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 3 $75.75 2 Mar, 2024 Delivered
Customer 4 $32.99 20 Feb, 2024 Cancelled
Customer 5 $150.00 10 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 6 $89.90 1 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 7 $120.40 15 Mar, 2024 Delivered
Customer 8 $300.00 25 Jan, 2024 Cancelled
Customer 9 $45.50 3 Feb, 2024 Pending
Customer 10 $78.99 8 Mar, 2024 Shipped
Customer 11 $260.75 17 Feb, 2024 Delivered
Customer 12 $90.30 23 Mar, 2024 Cancelled
Customer 13 $140.00 12 Jan, 2024 Pending
Customer 14 $200.20 7 Feb, 2024 Shipped
Customer 15 $67.80 28 Mar, 2024 Delivered

Advanced Cells

Mix and match table cells with the Tailwind CSS Avatar and Tailwind CSS KeenIcons components for advanced cell formatting, enhancing the visual appeal and functionality of your tables.

User Sessions

Person Browser
Chrome on Mac OS X
Chrome on Windows 7
Chrome on Mac OS X
Chrome on Windows 10
Chrome on Mac OS X


Use the Tailwind CSS Table component to create an efficient CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) solution. This setup provides a structured and visually appealing way to manage and interact with data, leveraging Tailwind CSS's utility classes for styling and responsiveness.

Team Members

Member Location Status
Tyler Hero 26 tasks
flag Estonia
Active Edit
Esther Howard 639 tasks
flag Malaysia
Pending Edit
Jacob Jones 125 tasks
flag Ukraine
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Cody Fisher 81 tasks
flag Canada
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flag India
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Martha Craig 344 tasks
flag Brazil
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flag Japan
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Jane Cooper 45 tasks
flag South Africa
Inactive Edit
Robert Fox 512 tasks
flag Germany
Active Edit

Source Code

The following source file manages the CSS styles of the Tailwind CSS Table component. Upon building the assets using Webpack Build Tools , the below file is compiled and added into the dist/assets/css/styles.css bundle, making it available globally across all pages.
File Description
src/core/plugins/components/table.js The Tailwind CSS compatible plugin written in PostCSS for applying CSS styles to the Tailwind CSS Table component.