Base Components

Tailwind CSS Button Group

Tailwind CSS Button Group is a collection of buttons that are grouped together to perform relevant actions.

Default Buttons

A basic example of Button Group.

Light Buttons

A Button Group consisting of light buttons styled with the .btn-light class.


To change the button group size to extra small, small, and large, use the classes .btn-xs , .btn-sm and .btn-lg for buttons respectively.

Source Code

The following source file manages the CSS styles of the Tailwind CSS Button Group component. Upon building the assets using Webpack Build Tools , the below file is compiled and added into the dist/assets/css/styles.css bundle, making it available globally across all pages.
File Description
src/core/plugins/components/btn-group.js The Tailwind CSS compatible plugin written in PostCSS for applying CSS styles to the Tailwind CSS Button Group component.