

Our Webpack builder offers an essential tool for managing, bundling, and optimizing assets, including CSS, images, fonts, as well as JavaScript files and modules.

Build Tools

Refer to the Installation Guide for instructions on using the Webpack build commands specified in the webpack.config.js script. The Build Tools process the assets(CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript and font files) from src/ folder and processed static files are moved into dist/ folder for deployment in the web directory of applications.

CSS Bundle

The Build Tools utilize the Tailwind CLI to compile the entry stylesheet from src/css/styles.css into the output file at dist/assets/css/styles.css .

JavaScript Bundle

The Build Tools utiliz the Webpack and Babel to compile the core components from src/core/index.ts into the output file at dist/assets/js/core.bundle.js as bundle.

Single Scripts

Single JavaScript and TypeScript files in the src/app/* directory are processed and transferred with their original filenames to the output folder at dist/assets/js/* . The TypeScript files are compiled into JavaScript files.


With Metronic, you can directly incorporate JavaScript and CSS assets from any 3rd-party vendor packages. Additionally, our Build Tools offer a seamless method for organizing and bundling these vendor assets, facilitating their easy integration into applications.
The below configuration script webpack.vendors.js defines the procedure for assembling JavaScript and CSS bundles from the src/vendors/ directory and moving them to the dist/assets/vendors/ folder, where they can be utilized as static assets in applications.
					module.exports = {
  entry: {
    keenicons: [
        src: ['src/vendors/keenicons/**/style.css'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/keenicons/styles.bundle.css',
        bundle: true,
        src: [
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/keenicons/fonts',
    '@form-validation': [
        src: ['src/vendors/@form-validation/umd/styles'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/@form-validation',
        src: [
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/@form-validation/form-validation.bundle.js',
        bundle: true,
    leaflet: [
        src: ['node_modules/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/leaflet/leaflet.bundle.css',
        bundle: true,
        src: [
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/leaflet/leaflet.bundle.js',
        bundle: true,
    apexcharts: [
        src: ['node_modules/apexcharts/dist/apexcharts.css'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/apexcharts/apexcharts.css',
        src: ['node_modules/apexcharts/dist/apexcharts.min.js'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/apexcharts/apexcharts.min.js',
    prismjs: [
        src: [
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/prismjs/prismjs.min.js',
        bundle: true,
    clipboard: [
        src: ['node_modules/clipboard/dist/clipboard.min.js'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/clipboard/clipboard.min.js'


Add Vendor

The steps below demonstrate how to add a new vendor package via NPM, configure it in the webpack.vendors.js file, and use it within applications.

Install Package

Refer to the ApexCharts Installation Guide and execute the following command in your project's root folder terminal.
					npm install apexcharts --save


The above command downloads and installs the ApexCharts package into the node_modules/apexcharts folder.


Configure Assets

Add the following entry into the webpack.vendors.js script to bundle the ApexCharts assets for use in your applications by including them from dist/assets/vendors/apexcharts folder.
					module.exports = {
  entry: {
    apexcharts: [
        src: ['node_modules/apexcharts/dist/apexcharts.css'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/apexcharts/apexcharts.css',
        src: ['node_modules/apexcharts/dist/apexcharts.min.js'],
        dist: 'dist/assets/vendors/apexcharts/apexcharts.min.js',


Its important to follow the vendors assets include order where the JavaScript bundle of the vendor should be included after the core bundle script core.bundle.js and the CSS bundle before the style bundle styles.css .