

The Metronic Tailwind CSS based HTML and JavaScript Toolkit provides a comprehensive suite of robust JavaScript components and utilities, perfect for building scalable web applications.

Require JavaScript Bundle

The HTML markup provided below outlines the required inclusions for JavaScript bundles and CSS stylesheets, ensuring all necessary scripts and styles are properly integrated into your project.
					<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!--Vendor styles -->
  <link href="/dist/assets/vendors/apexcharts/apexcharts.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <!--Core styles-->
  <link href="/dist/assets/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
   Hello world!
  <!--Core bundle script-->
  <script src="/dist/assets/js/core.bundle.js">
  <!--Vendor script -->
  <script src="/dist/assets/vendors/apexcharts/apexcharts.min.js">


Data Attribute Initialization

The fastest way of initialization Metronic components is by using HTML data attribute data-tooltip="#tooltip_content" , which allows automatic instance creation upon page load.
					<!--Tooltip toggle element-->
<button class="btn btn-primary" data-tooltip="#my_tooltip_content" id="my_tooltip">
 Toggle Tooltop
<!--Tooltip content element-->
<div class="tooltip" id="my_tooltip_content">
 Hey, a delightful tooltip is here!

Core components are globally initialized with the KTComponents.init() JavaScript API, defined in core.bundle.js , once the document is fully ready. You can also use this API method to initialize components that dynamically added to the page after the initial page load.
					// Initialize global components once the document is fully loaded.
KTDom.ready(() => {


JavaScript Initialization

You can manually initialize core components with JavaScript as shown below. To do this, set data-tooltip="false" to prevent the instance from automatically initializing when the page loads.
					// Tooltip toggle element
const tooltipEl = document.querySelector('#my_tooltip');

// Configuration options
const options = {
	target: '#my_tooltip_content'

// Initialize object
const tooltip = new KTTooltip(tooltipEl, options);

// Use API methods;


TypeScript Support

Metronic's core components are entirely written in TypeScript, offering robust typing and enhanced maintainability. You can interact with these components using the TypeScript API, as demonstrated below.
Additionally, our Webpack Build Tools are configured to compile the TypeScript code, ensuring seamless integration and execution in your project.
					import { 
	KTTooltipConfigInterface } 
	from '../../core/components/tooltip';

// Tooltip toggle element
const tooltipEl: HTMLElement = document.querySelector('#my_tooltip');

// Configuration options
const options: KTTooltipConfigInterface = {
	target: '#my_tooltip_content'

// Initialize object
const tooltip: KTTooltipInterface = new KTTooltip(tooltipEl, options);

// Use API methods;


The Build Tools compile custom TypeScript files located in the src/app directory into dist/assets/js/app as JavaScript making them ready for execution in modern browsers.