Package | Description | Version |
Tailwind CSS | A utility-first CSS framework used as CSS core of Metronic. | v3.4.3 |
ApexCharts | Modern & Interactive Open-source Charts. | v3.49.0 |
Leafletjs | A JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. | v3.0.12 |
Prism.js | A lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind | v1.29.0 |
Popper.js | A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them. | v2.11.8 |
FormValidation | The best validation library for JavaScript. | v2.4.0 |
Axios | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. | v1.6.8 |
Clipboard.js | A modern approach to copy text to clipboard. | v2.0.1 |
Webpack | A static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. | v5.91.0 |