The World’s #1 Bootstrap 5 HTML,
VueJS, React, Angular, Laravel, Asp.Net Core, Blazor, Django & Flask

Admin Dashboard Ecosystem
Demo 1 - Default Dashboard
admin template
Demo 2 - SaaS Application
admin template
Demo 3 - Compact Dashboard
admin template
Demo 4 - Intranet Application
admin template
Demo 5 - Modern Dashboard
admin template
Demo 6 - Admin Backend
admin template
Demo 7 - Trendy Dashboard
admin template
Demo 8 - Futuristic Dashboard
admin template
Demo 9 - Trendy Dashboard 2
admin template
Demo 10 - Enterprise Dashboard
admin template
Demo 11 - Classic Dashboard
admin template
Demo 12 - Metronic Classic Reborn
admin template
Demo 13 - SaaS Dashboard
admin template
Demo 14 - Reporting System
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 15 - Minimalistic Dashboard
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 16 - Intranet Portal
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 17 - Creative Admin
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 18 - Classic Admin
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 19 - Personal Dashboard
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 20 - Education Portal
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 21 - Light Dashboard
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 22 - Clean Dashboard
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 23 - Creative Admin
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 24 - Modern Dashboard
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 25 - Directory Website
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 26 - Fancy Tabbed App
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 27 - SaaS Website
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 28 - CRM Application
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 29 - Light Admin
Coming Soon
admin template
Demo 30 - Navigation Dashboard
Coming Soon
admin template

Simple, yet
Powerful Fast & Efficient

Save thousands to million of bucks & months of work. Minimize UI/UX design & HTML
coding with Keenthemes fully customized Admin Dashboard Templates.
Licenses Sold
5 Stars Ratings
End Users
On The Market

Timely Connection to
Latest Updates in All Frameworks

Use of proven and popular technologies helps us create extremely flexible
and scalable admin templates with great attention to UI/UX for you

Bootstrap 5 - CSS & JS Framework

We use Bootstrap as a backbone for all our products by extending it further according to our unique design system

Gulp - Task Automation

Our gulp tasks allow to automate & enhance your repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines

Webpack - Module Bundler

Our Webpack builder makes it easy to integrate our products with all popular server side frameworks

Babel - JavaScript Compiler

We use Babel to manage and compile our next generation Typescript & Javascript code seamlessly

NPM - Package Management

Our packages are managed by NPM through command line tools quickly and securely

Yarn - Dependency Manager

We also use Yarn, fast, safe & stable dependency manager with multithreading and version locking

Sass - CSS With Superpowers

To manage our CSS we use Sass, the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language

HTML5 - As Cornerstone

No design skills required, use the prepackaged solutions to code without ever leaving your HTML editor

CSS3 - Design System

Our flexible CSS utility classes build on top of Bootstrap 5 will cover almost all your design needs

VueJS - Progressive JS Framework

Our custom tailored Vue 3 solution uses the most popular VueJS libraries to provide solid a foundation for your next VueJS apps.

Vue I18n - Internationalization

For internationalization solution we use Vue I18n. It easily integrates some localization features to your Vue.js Application.

Vue Router - Routing Solution

We used Vue Router to make SPA rotuing with nested route/view mapping, modular, component-based router configuration.

Vuelidate - Seamless Validation

Our Vue.JS form validation is powered by Vuelidate, a lightweight model-based validation solution for VueJS.

Vuetify - Material UI

Our Material Design pages are powered by Vuetify, a Vue UI Library with beautifully handcrafted Material Components.

Element Plus - Powerful UI Library

To provide efficient, consistent and feedback driven solutions we use integrated Element Vue 3 UI library.


Our custom tailored React solution uses the most popular React libraries to provide solid a foundation for your next React apps.

React Bootstrap

React-Bootstrap replaces the Bootstrap JavaScript. Each component has been built from scratch as a true React component, without unneeded dependencies like.

Redux - State Container

We use Redux for predictable, debuggable and flexible state management for our React products.

Create React App

Our React products heaveliy uses Create React App to set up a modern web app by running one command.

React Router - Route Anywhere

React Router is a collection of navigational components that compose declaratively with your application.

Redux Saga

An intuitive Redux side effect manager. Easy to manage, easy to test, and executes efficiently.


Our Angular solution makes building applicaiton UIs fast and easy for projects of any size.

Angular i18n

We use Angular's built-in internationalization module to provide seamless localization and translation for your Angular apps.

Angular Forms

We use Angular's built-in form module for Handling user input with forms is the cornerstone of many common applications.

Angular Material

Fully integrated high quality & versatile Material Design component for Angular apps.

Angular Router

We use Angular's built-in router module to handle the navigation from one view to the next.

RxJS - Reactive Extensions

RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.

Laravel - Starter Kit

Our custom made starter kit Laravel framework will be a solid foundation for your next Laravel project that fully utilizes our frontend themes

Mix - Compiling Assets

Our themes come with built in webpack support which makes Laravel Mix integration easy and fast

Blade - Views & Templates

Blade is the simple, yet powerful templating engine that is included with Laravel

Guzlle - HTTP client

We use Guzlle to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services

Composer - Dependency Manager

Composer provides a standard format for managing dependencies of our Laravel appications and required libraries

Axios - Ajax & HTTP Client

We use Axios for efficient Ajax request handling with promise based HTTP client/server communications

Known By Millions
Used By Over 100,000 Businesses

Thousands of web projects have been successfully deployed over the years.
Thanks to regular updates and professional technical support.
Jonathan Bartlet,  Metronic Customer
JimOQuinn,  Metronic Customer
judge321,  Metronic Customer
eduardoac,  Metronic Customer
smallanditalian5,  Metronic Customer

Latest Tutorials
To Create World's Best Templates

Save thousands by using this single tool to produce
amazing, useful and well crafted admin projects
Introducing Metronic 8 - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Theme
In this video, we discuss Metronic's latest version, Metronic 8.
Aleksej Pastor
Aleksej Pastor on 06 May 2021
Metronic Bootstrap Admin Theme SASS Overview
Read about how we structure our SASS files within Metronic and more. We have created a very flexible and efficient file structure framework to enable all our users to be customize and extend Metronic’s styling to fit any project requirements.
Shane Lim
Shane Lim on 14 Jul 2020
How Bootstrap Admin Themes Improves Your Web Application Development ?
In short, Bootstrap Admin Themes are production-ready frontend UI/UX templates that you can use and integrate into your project. In some cases, projects that utilize admin themes may not need a UI/UX designer or a frontend developer to complete their project.
Sean on 27 Jun 2020
Themeforest Licenses and Support
If you're having doubts on which license you should purchase for your project...
Bob on 22 Jun 2020
Think About The Future, Stay Connected With Us
The More We Learn, The More We Are Able To Innovate & To Develop