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The new Metronic 8 is now available with the most advanced Bootstrap 5, VueJS, React and Laravel foundation with a solid light and dark mode design system, extensive utility classes and custom made in-house components.
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To use most of the Metronic build tools, Node.js LTS version is required. Version 14.x LTS is recommended. Some of the plugins and framework in Metronic v7 does not support the latest Node.js version. https://nodejs.org/en/

Internationalization (i18n)


We're using react-intl for internationalization, check official documentation and examples.

How to add a new language

Note: if there are no locale data for your new language in react-intl/locale-data you will have to manually add locale data

This is example how to add Turkish language:
  1. Update src/_metronic/layout/components/extras/dropdowns/LanguageSelectorDropdown.js

    const languages = [
        lang: "en",
        name: "English",
        flag: toAbsoluteUrl("/media/svg/flags/226-united-states.svg")
    + {
        +   lang: "tr",
        +   name: "Turkish",
        +   flag: toAbsoluteUrl("/media/svg/flags/006-turkey.svg")
    + },
  2. Add src/_metronic/i18n/messages/tr.json

    + {
        +    "TRANSLATOR.SELECT": "Dilinizi seçin",
        +    "MENU.NEW": "yeni",
        +    "MENU.ACTIONS": "Eylemler",
        +    "MENU.CREATE_POST": "Yeni Gönderi Oluştur",
  3. Register messages and locale data in src/_metronic/i18n/I18nProvider.js

    import * as ja from "react-intl/locale-data/ja";
    import * as zh from "react-intl/locale-data/zh";
    + import "@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/dist/locale-data/tr";
    import deMessages from "./messages/de";
    import enMessages from "./messages/en";
    import esMessages from "./messages/es";
    import frMessages from "./messages/fr";
    import jaMessages from "./messages/ja";
    import zhMessages from "./messages/zh";
    + import trMessages from "./messages/tr";
    const allMessages = {
      de: deMessages,
      en: enMessages,
      es: esMessages,
      fr: frMessages,
      ja: jaMessages,
      zh: zhMessages
    + tr: trMessages
    export default function I18nProvider({ children }) {
How to use

In the sample React app demo, the core parts like left sided menu, topbar horizontal menu, etc. are already implemented with the translation.

The translator understands flat JSON object as defined in src/_metronic/i18n/messages/en.json. This means that you can have a translation that looks like this:

  1. Add translation to src/_metronic/i18n/messages/en.json:

    {"HOME.HELLO": "Hello, {name}!"}
  2. Format it with component:

    import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl";
    export default function Hello({ name }) {
     return ;

    Or with hook:

    import { useIntl } from "react-intl";
    export default function Hello({ name }) {
     const intl = useIntl();
      return <h3>{intl.formatMessage({ id: "HOME.HELLO" }, { name })}</h3>

    Or with HOC (Higher order component):

    import { injectIntl } from "react-intl";
    function Hello({ name, intl /* Prop injected with `injectIntl` */ }) {
     return <h3>{intl.formatMessage({ id: "HOME.HELLO" }, { name })}</h3>
    export default injectIntl(Hello);
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