The World’s #1 Bootstrap 5 HTML,
VueJS, React, Angular, Laravel, Asp.Net Core, Blazor, Django & Flask

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This is Metronic 7 documentation!

Upon purchase you can get Metronic 7 version from our Github Repository.
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The new Metronic 8 is now available with the most advanced Bootstrap 5, VueJS, React and Laravel foundation with a solid light and dark mode design system, extensive utility classes and custom made in-house components.
View Metronic 8 documentation

To use most of the Metronic build tools, Node.js LTS version is required. Version 14.x LTS is recommended. Some of the plugins and framework in Metronic v7 does not support the latest Node.js version. https://nodejs.org/en/

API Reference

Sample API in theme demos are included for user references in the [metronic]/docs/api_reference folder. These server side scrips and json files are used by datatable, dropzone, jstree, typeahead and other plugin demos.

The sample API is built using PHP code. Check the section Build Tools for updating the API URL in the source to our demo site.

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