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This is Metronic 7 documentation!

Upon purchase you can get Metronic 7 version from our Github Repository.
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The new Metronic 8 is now available with the most advanced Bootstrap 5, VueJS, React and Laravel foundation with a solid light and dark mode design system, extensive utility classes and custom made in-house components.
View Metronic 8 documentation

To use most of the Metronic build tools, Node.js LTS version is required. Version 14.x LTS is recommended. Some of the plugins and framework in Metronic v7 does not support the latest Node.js version. https://nodejs.org/en/



KTOffcanvas is a Metronic's custom plugin defined in [metronic]/theme/html/[demo]/src/js/components/base/offcanvas.js.


First parameter is the id, class, or tag of the HTML element. The second parameter is for the options.

_offcanvasObject = new KTOffcanvas(_element, {
  baseClass: offcanvasClass,
  overlay: true,
  closeBy: 'kt_aside_close_btn',
  toggleBy: {
	target: 'kt_aside_mobile_toggle',
	state: 'mobile-toggle-active'


var options = {
  baseClass: offcanvasClass,
  overlay: true,
  closeBy: 'kt_aside_close_btn',
  toggleBy: {
	target: 'kt_aside_mobile_toggle',
	state: 'mobile-toggle-active'
Field Type Description
overlay boolean

Enable/disable offcanvas overlay

overlay: true
baseClass string

Set the base class for the offcanvas

baseClass: 'kt-header-menu-wrapper'
closeBy string

Define the element for the off canvas to be closed when this element is clicked

closeBy: 'kt_header_menu_mobile_close_btn'
toggleBy object

Define which element for the toggle and set the active state class name

toggleBy: {
  target: 'kt_aside_mobile_toggle',
  state: 'mobile-toggle-active'

API Methods

Method Description

Set default options @param options


Check if canvas is shown @returns {boolean}


Set to hide the canvas


Set to show the canvas

on(name, handler)

Attach event @param name @param handler

one(name, handler)

Attach event that will be fired once @param name @param handler

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