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Jenny Klabber
SF, Bay Area
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Experienced and creative professional with a passion great as for problem-solving and a commitment to excellence.

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Experienced UI/UX designer seeking new opportunities.


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Now that I’m done thoroughly mangling that vague metaphor, let’s get down to business. You know you need to start blogging to grow your business, but you don’t know how. In this post, I’ll show you how to write a great blog post in five simple steps that people will actually want to read. Ready? Let’s get started.

Long before you sit dow to put digital pen to paper you need to make sure you have to sit down and write. I’ll show you how to write a great blog post in five simple steps that people will actually want to read. Ready?

Long before you sit dow to put digital pen to paper.

I can hear your objections already. “But Dan, I have to blog for a cardboard box manufacturing company.” I feel your pain, I really do.

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You also need to be able to accept that not every post is going to get your motor running. Some posts will feel like a chore, but if you have editorial control over what you write about, then choose topics you’d want to read – even if they relate to niche industries.

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This doesn’t mean that all bloggers are insincere fakers. On the contrary, many bloggers’ natural curiosity is what makes them great at what they do. If you blog for a living, you have to be comfortable jumping from one topic to the next, even if you don’t know anything about it.

Long before you sit dow to put digital pen to paper you need to make sure you have to sit down and write. I’ll show you how to write a great blog post in five simple steps that people will actually want to read. Ready?

Long before you sit dow to put digital pen to paper.